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SUMMIT at Agnes Scott

Start here, lead everywhere.

three female students walking on campus

Begin Your Climb

Here at Agnes Scott College, we know both the journey and the destination are important. We’ll make sure you make the most of your four years here, while also ensuring you’re ready for what’s next.

Year By Year


Four Year Experience



four students working on cards at a table

Get ready for Peak Week! 春假前一周专门安排一些特别的体验,比如全球旅行——由教师带领的横跨美国的旅行.S. 亚特兰大大学世界和大二班级领导经验(SCALE), 哪些学校将学生与亚特兰大地区的企业和非营利组织配对. In your junior or senior year, 选择一个实用的职业经验来培养数字技能, content and network for a specific career area.

Global Learning

SUMMIT确保全球思维从全球学习开始. 你将开始一个教师主导的全球沉浸式体验, study a non-English language, 并参与活动,以更好地了解身份和文化在一个相互联系的世界.

Pack Your Bags




《推荐十大正规网赌平台》关注的是这个国家的后殖民问题. During the semester, 学生将了解马提尼克岛的社区以及马提尼克岛与更广阔世界的正规博彩十大网站排名.

A row of Agnes Scott Summit students on a rope bridge.

加纳之旅考察了加纳作为西非与非洲侨民关系的窗口, 以及分析历史力量持续影响的案例研究.

Leadership Development

Starting from day one, 正规博彩十大网站排名学生完成SUMMIT课程和经验,帮助他们准备成为全球社会的领导者. 在这里,你将磨练和发展自己的个人领导风格.

Find Your Voice

Agnes Scott Summit students give each other fist bumps.

Before classes even begin your first year, you will be working on leadership development. 峰会遗产:戈伊祖塔基金会领导力浸入式培训是一个为期两天的培训后项目,在校园和社区进行.

An Agnes Scott Summit instructor speaking to their class.



From day one, 您将与您的SUMMIT顾问一起在校园内外发展和磨练领导技能. 机会包括同侪领导、实习和与亚特兰大地区的专业人士接触.

Professional Success

Academic and professional success go hand-in-hand. SUMMIT为学生提供探索和从事职业可能性所需的职业能力,并实现早期职业成功, across every major and a wide array of professional goals.

Create your Vision of Professional Success


Self-Discovery and Career Exposure occur early and often. In and out-of-the classroom, professionals are a regular presence, 展示文科学习与专业影响之间的相关性,并激励学生参与职业社区. 从遗产和规模领导沉浸到课程中的职业曝光, 相关的专业联系是建立在峰会的经验.

Two women in business attire having a conversation.

Learning agility, 协作和包容的领导能力只是每一次SUMMIT领导和全球沉浸所培养的专业技能中的一小部分. 拥有全国最多元化的学生群体之一,以及创新的全球和领导力课程, 在不同的团队中工作,建立团队合作和领导的职业能力是每个学生的经历.


Real-world relevance. Intercultural conversations, leadership shadowing, giving and receiving feedback, SUMMIT将新兴技术和职业主题融入其中,让学生在实践中体验学习. 像SCALE和ACE这样的高峰周经历为大三和大四的实习和研究打开了大门.

Board of Advisors

Guiding you throughout your time at Agnes Scott, helping you reach your academic and career goals, 将成为您自己的私人顾问委员会-首脑会议顾问, a major advisor, peer advisors, career coaches and access to SUMMIT Career Connect, a network of over 400 alumnae professionals.

Meet Your Team


您的SUMMIT顾问甚至在您到达校园之前就会与您保持联系,并且将成为您整个本科生涯中的关键联系人, 帮助你从艾格尼丝·斯科特的经历中获得最大的收获.

two students looking at a computer in a library


two women having a conversation outdoors

When you're ready to declare a major, usually by the end of sophomore year, you'll add a Major Advisor, a faculty member in your chosen field, to your Board to provide discipline-specific guidance.

Integrated Digital Learning


Shape Your Digital Identity

two students in an audio studio

In our Center for Digital and Visual Literacy, tutors help you learn new technologies, build your digital portfolios, and find digital solutions for any project.

two students in front of a green screen


three students working on a computer

在我们的数字和视觉素养中心预订摄影工作室空间, recording high-quality audio, or using a green screen.

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